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Lisa Sullivan is an Associate Professor of Biostatistics at the School of Public Health, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at Boston University, and Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education in Public Health at Boston University. She received both her M.A. and Ph.D. from Boston University. She has won numerous awards for excellence in teaching and her research interests
INTRODUCTORY APPLIED BIOSTATISTICS (WITH CD-ROM) explores statistical applications in the medical and public health fields. Examples drawn directly from the authors’ clinical experiences with applied biostatistics make this text both practical and applicable. You’ll master application techniques by hand before moving on to computer applications, with SAS programming code and output for each technique covered in every chapter. For each topic, the book addresses methodology, including
An edition of Introductory applied biostatistics (2001) Introductory applied biostatistics by Ralph B. D’Agostino 0 Ratings 51 Want to read 4 Currently reading 0 Have read Overview View 2 Editions Details Reviews Lists Related Books Publish Date 2006 Publisher Thomson, Brooks/Cole Language English Pages 652 Previews available in: English
The book Introductory Applied Biostatistics, Preliminary Edition by Sr. Ralph D’Agostino pdf takes care of the first two by providing comprehensive insight into both the art of getting started and then honing the skill of biostatistics. The very next point is covered with emphasis on applied relevance, thereby laying each chapter to rest on an extremely realistic plane. Life is not only
Introductory Applied Biostatistics. Ralph B. D’Agostino, Sr., Lisa Sullivan, Alexa Beiser. Brooks/Cole, 2005 – Mathematics- 96 pages. 0Reviews. Reviews aren’t verified, but Google checks for and.
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