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      Phthorimaea absoluta is a major destructive pest of tomato worldwide. There is increasing concern about the rapid geographical expansion of the pest in tomato-growing areas due to the intensification of trade and human movement. P. absoluta was first collected in Huancayo, Peru in 1917. Between the mid-1960s and the 1990s, it spread to all
      DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2016.20.2.6 ACTIVIDAD BIOLÓGICA DE HONGOS Y BACTERIAS ENTOMOPATÓGENAS SOBRE Diatraea saccharalis Fabricius (LEPIDOPTERA: CRAMBIDE) BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF ENTOMOPATHOGENIC FUNGI AND BACTERIA ON Diatraea saccharalis Fabricius (LEPIDOPTERA: CRAMBIDAE). Marco Antonio Zúñiga-Oviedo 1 Alberto Soto-Giraldo 2 y Gabriel Cruz-Cerón 3 * FR: 23-IX-16.
      Insect symbionts: From basic research to applications Comparative genomics of Wolbachia and Rickettsia Siv G. E. Andersson1, Joakim Westberg1, HansHenrik Fuxelius1, Alistair Darby1, Nam-Huyk Cho2 Department of Molecular Evolution, Norbyvägen 18C, Evolutionary Biology Center, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2 Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Seoul National University Medical Research
      Por ejemplo: las especies del género Trichogramma muestra especificidad de hábitat en algunas especies, mientras que otras son más generalistas. Las especies de la familia Trichogrammatidae actúan parasitando huevecillos de insectos de los órdenes Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Hemiptera, Neuroptera y Thysanoptera.
      El agroecosistema. Jorge A. Llontop Llaque. Univ. Nac.Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Lambayeque. Marzo, 2014 E. Mail: La biosfera y sus lmites La biosfera es la delgada capa de la tierra y su atmsfera que cubre la superficie del planeta, y en la que viven todos los seres vivos El Ecosistema Los organismos viven en poblaciones que se estructuran en comunidades.
      Organisms are built from distinct modules, which are internally coherent but flexible in their relationships among one another. We examined morphological variation within and between two candidate modules: the fore‐ and hindwings of bumblebees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Bombus empatiens).We used the techniques of geometric morphometrics (Procrustes superimposition) to analyze the variation of Carte Tomate – Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free.
      OBSERVACIONES Anopheles sp: Malaria. Aedes Aegyptii: Fiebre Amarilla, Dengue. Triatoma sp: Pito – Mal de Changas (Chinche). Culex sp: Tifo Drosophilia Melanogaster: Mosquita del Vinagre, se utiliza para estudios genéticos. Trichogramma sp: Abeja, es un insecto benefico ya que ataca a otros insectos.
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      Helicoverpa armigera (cotton bollworm); adult. wingspan 3.5-4 cm, 14-18 mm long; forewings with 7-8 blackish spots on the margin and a broad, irregular, transverse brown band. Hindwings pale-straw colour with a broad dark-brown border containing a paler patch, with yellowish margins. ©ICRISAT.
      Olives, Olea europaea L., are one of the most important fruit crops in the Mediterranean area ( Loumou and Giourga 2003).They are used to produce oil and table olives depending on when and how they are harvested ( Ferguson 2006).World production in 2009 reached nearly 20 million tons, of which 41% came from Spain, the largest producer in the world ( FAOSTAT 2011).
      Olives, Olea europaea L., are one of the most important fruit crops in the Mediterranean area ( Loumou and Giourga 2003).They are used to produce oil and table olives depending on when and how they are harvested ( Ferguson 2006).World production in 2009 reached nearly 20 million tons, of which 41% came from Spain, the largest producer in the world ( FAOSTAT 2011).
      The cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, is one of the most destructive aphid species in the world (Gallo-Franco et al. 2019).This pest species has a worldwide impact on cotton and other crops (Kim et al. 1986, Kim 2007).The plant injury by this aphid species takes place through direct sucking, honeydew excretion, and virus transmission ().

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